FX Options MTF

Liquidity Aggregated.
Efficiently Delivered.
Innovators in FX options
OptAxe offers an innovative and automated approach to FX option trading that digitises and centralises the distribution of FX options axes.
OptAxe is a regulated MTF for OTC FX options. OptAxe unlocks untapped trading opportunities for FX markets.

Increase risk recycling and advance your market intelligence
OptAxe was launched to address fundamental shortcomings in FX options trading. OTC FX markets today lack pricing transparency and bilateral, manual processes often lead to missed trading opportunities.
OptAxe evolves the current model by providing market participants with a solution that sources and consolidates the best interest available in the market, in real-time.
OptAxe aggregates axe inventory into a single platform, effectively acting as a multi-issue venue rather than a multi-dealer platform, with RFQ and counterparty disclosure at the point of execution.
FCA Innovation Pathways
OptAxe completed the FCA Innovations Pathways program in 2023.

OptAxe completed the Accenture 2024 FinTech Innovation Lab Program.